This is one great big apology for the fact that I have seriously neglected the blog for the last couple of months. It is without a doubt the longest I have ever gone without posting and I'm a little bit ashamed of that fact. There are many reasons for my absence; personal ones, professional ones and, most recently, because this happened.....
Yep, that's right. Orlando 2014! Two weeks of theme parks, sunbathing, eating good food and drinking considerably more than we should have... Orlando is definitely the Marmite of the holiday destination world, you either love it or you hate it, and to be honest when I first went 10 years ago I was expecting it to be a one time deal. But here I am, five trips later, and my advice would be don't knock it 'til you try it!
Eating and drinking our way around the globe at Epcot's Food & Wine Festival, clearly a very serious business... |
Supporting my beloved Buccaneers at Raymond James Stadium |
Making friends at Busch Gardens |
The 'special' effects of Mike's Harder Lemonade at Halloween Horror Nights |
Springfield at Universal Studios. I can now officially tick drinking a beer at Moe's off the bucket list... |
If you are wondering why I look like I'm about to cry in the photo above, it's because this was the last day and we were about to leave for the airport. I'm a true sun worshipper and the thought of leaving 30 degree sunshine to return to grey old England was just too much for me to bear!
Huge thank yous for such an epic vacation go to: the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (I love you no matter what), Mickey Mouse for inviting us to his Halloween party, Universal Studios for putting on the best Halloween Horror Nights I've witnessed in years, the Cheesecake Factory for the same reason as always, Mike's Harder Lemonade for producing some of the most memorable and memory-wiping moments of the holiday, Wholefoods for its vegan snacks and awesome beers, Epcot for its always epic food and wine festival, Rise Against, Sugar Ray, Richie the cab driver, the geese that visited our hotel each day and many more....
Last but not least a huge thank you to James, Horwill and Joss, for an amazing holiday, for willingly going on carousels with me and for making me laugh for two weeks straight! You guys rule.
Anyway, now that the jet lag is dealt with and the post-holiday blues are starting to lift, I've given myself a good metaphorical kick up the backside and established a few goals, the first of which is to return to my former regular blogging ways. First post done! That's one thing I can tick off my list, which means I've officially earned a tea break, right?!
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