Monday, 10 September 2012

New Jack Daniel's Honey

I know I promised that I would keep my ongoing love affair with Mr Jack Daniel's well away from this blog but hell, news is news right?! And it's not every day you find a new kind of Jack on the supermarket shelf. Introducing Jack Daniel's Honey...

Yep, that's right! The lovely folk from Tennessee have come up with their first flavoured variety and it's a blend of Jack and honey liqueur, now available in the UK. As you can see, it looks beautiful, but the million dollar question is how does it taste?! Well put it this way, if a bottle of Jack Daniel's and a bottle of maple syrup had one very wild night of passion.... this would be the resultant love child.

It's like the dessert of the Jack world. I'm a savoury girl so it's too sweet for my tastes to replace the original, but after a starter of the classic and a main course of Single Barrel, this is the best way to round off your meal. In a word? Yum.

Seeing as I've broken my no Jack on the blog rule, I may as well go on and introduce two more products that every self respecting fan of Jack will enjoy.

Exhibit A (and this is a new one to me) – Jack Daniel's Hickory Brown Sugar Barbecue Sauce. I'm not even a fan of barbecue sauce and I love this stuff. It's perfect for a BBQ of course but it will also liven up any culinary situation that ketchup can and possibly do it better!

Exhibit B is a classic and probably the best (only?) reason to visit TGI Fridays – Jack Daniel's Smokey Sweet Barbecue Glaze. A very good friend of mine has a similar obsession and we will happily order this on the side of absolutely anything that TGI's has to offer! Seriously, once you've tried this on Southern Fried chicken your life will never be the same again.

Ok, so that's my food and drink porn done for the week, normal music and fashion posts will resume shortly.

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