Thursday, 17 July 2014

Something for the Runway readers...

As many of you will probably know by now, I've been working on a little project with my beautiful best friend Kay. We've been talking about setting up a beauty blog to share our many product recommendations with like minded ladies for a long time, and the result is Your Beauty Best Friend. We're both beauty product junkies and a bit addicted to beauty blogs, but many of them are written by women who are one or two (or ten!) years younger than us. We wanted to create something that would be as useful to women in their thirties as it is to those a little younger than us.

We'll be sharing product reviews of makeup, skincare, hair care and lots more, because let's face it, with so much choice out there it's kind of nice to read a recommendation or two before parting with your hard earned cash. And as we're not affiliated with any brands you can be sure that all of our reviews are one hundred percent honest!

The project is still evolving and we really want to make our blog as useful as possible to a wide audience, so if you are a fellow beauty junkie, check it out at and drop us a line at with any comments or requests for products you would like reviewed.

You can also follow us on Twitter @YourBeautyBF and on Instagram @YOUR_BEAUTY_BEST_FRIEND (search for Kay and Jen) and sign up to receive our blog posts via email from the homepage.

On the subject of email updates, don't forget you can receive Rock & Runway posts in the same way, by popping your email address in the box at the the top of the right hand column.

Jen x

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